Education Accreditation

Closing ceremony of accreditation of ABET standard training programs

After three days of official evaluation, LHU on November 9 held a closing ceremony of accreditation of ABET standards for the two training programs: Information Engineering Technology and Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology. 

Dr. Do Thi Lan Dai - Chairwoman of the University Council spoke at the closing ceremony

The closing ceremony of ABET's assessment was held online with the attendance of experts including Prof. Dr. Ghassan Salim - Head of the assessment team; Prof. Dr. Richard Warren – Information Engineering Technology Program Assessor; Prof. Dr. Robert Gray – Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology Program Assessor. LHU representatives were Dr. Do Thi Lan Dai - Chairwoman of the University Council; DSc. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector; members in the Rectorate Board along with the heads and deputy heads of training units, offices, departments; lecturers of two units with training programs accredited this time.

The closing ceremony was held online

During the three-day assessment, the ABET assessors studied self-assessment reports; checked documents; interviewed and collected information from stakeholders (University leaders, Faculty leaders, leaders of units, teaching staff, support staff, students, alumni, businesses); surveyed the University's facilities and equipment. Their evaluation was based on nine criteria: Students, Educational Program Objectives, Student Outcomes, Continuous Improvement, Curriculum, Faculty, Facilities, Institutional Support and Program Criteria.

LHU hoped to be the 4th university in Vietnam to be ABET accredited

At the closing ceremony, the ABET evaluators summarized and presented preliminary reports, mentioning the strengths, potentials and aspects that needed improvement of the two training programs accredited according to ABET standards. The evaluation team recognized the University's efforts and strengths in management, facilities, continuous improvement of training quality, many clubs for students, more experience and skills gained in national and international competitions. The team also highly appreciated programs well connecting with businesses, especially sponsoring and supporting students' projects.

The University Management Board congratulated the Office of Educational Q.A for their completion of duties

Speaking at the event, DSc. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector sent his sincere thanks to the ABET experts for their support and comments. The University would continue to promote the strengths and improve the weaknesses to increasingly improve the quality of its training programs, to meet social needs in the integration trend.


The University Council and the Board of Rectors congratulated the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics for their two training programs finishing the ABET evaluation


LHU, closing, ABET standard, training programs

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